Inspired by Change.
my story…
Growing up I was an athlete and weight was not an issue for me until I went to college. After that I spent most of my adult life struggling with my weight and yo-yo dieting. I gained 100lbs plus with EACH of my three children.
After that I gained weight and lost it more times then I could count. I tried every fad diet, shake, etc. always looking for a quick fix and not wanting to put the work in. Each time I’d “diet” I’d get to an unrealistic number on the scale and gain it all and then some back. My weight fluctuated so many times that I became depressed and gave up on my goal of getting fit. In my 40’s I just thought it was too late. I became too self conscious to go to a gym. Finding the time to get to a gym with three kids and a lack of equipment were some of my many excuses!
I finally threw away my scale and decided I wanted to get fit, not skinny. I wanted to be healthy and strong! I stopped dieting and focused on eating a balanced diet that was sustainable for my life- not something I restricted for a few months to lose weight. Adding HIIT/Bodyweight workouts were the final piece of the puzzle. They not only helped reduce my body fat and inches, but I toned and gained muscle mass. I felt empowered with the strength I was gaining. I felt GOOD. I realized you don’t need a lot of time or equipment, just the motivation and consistency!
Bottom line: It’s possible to workout anywhere, anytime....with no gym, no equipment, so NO EXCUSES! And’s NEVER too late!